Key Qualifications
Outcrop mapping of bedrock (lavas, hyaloclastites, sills, sedimentary series) and structural analysis (faults, dykes, mineral veins, secondary fractures, flexures, dips) for tectonics / magmatic / sedimentary evolution.
Aerial images and morpho-structural interpretation in continental and oceanic crust.
Dynamics of extensional plate boundaries and intraplate blocks for resource exploration: rifted volcanic systems, transform zones, microplates, and intraplate blocks.
Active tectonics and seismo-tectonic (field mapping of source faults of earthquakes); Seismic hazard; Paleoseismicity.
Synthesis and interpretation of multidisciplinary data from surface and sub-surface (regional to reservoir scales) for exploration and production.
Geothermal exploration in fractured-reservoirs; fracture permeability and earthquakes (natural and triggered earthquakes due to reinjection); Tracer flow path; Structural control of CO2 natural emission.
Conceptual modelling of temperature, permeability and flow in fractured reservoirs.
Selection of drill sites and structural targets for vertical or inclined drilling.
Data quality review and gap analysis; Feasibility study; Due diligence.
Geological site investigations for hydroelectric power plant constructions and tunnelling.
Hydrocarbon exploration: Regional geological screening; Seismic interpretation; Petroleum systems identification; Play & Prospect analysis; Reservoir sequence stratigraphy; Well correlation.
Research; Teaching and supervision.
Conference organisation, review and chairing.
Scientific journal reviewer.
Field guidance.
Application writing for funding.
Board member of Geothermal Association of Iceland.
Current member of Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain; International Geothermal Association; Geoscience Society of Iceland.
Past member of French Union of Geologists.
As an independent consultant, I launched and operate a business, albeit small, requiring typical responsibilities of project definition, negotiation, acquisition and execution; Administration; Management.